10 Online Business You can Start From Home. By:- Emmanuel Akpe


Emmanuel Akpe is popularly known as the prince of copywriting and chief value officer.

Akpe is a copywriter, business magnate, sales and marketing consultant, trainer, author and speaker.

His digital trainings has affected more than 10,000 lives directly and millions indirectly.

His book Money 101 has been downloaded and read by more than 20,000 persons.

He is also the author of copywriting101, Why You Are Broke and numerous digital products and reports.

Emmanuel Akpe has spoken to thousands on copywriting, personal finance, high income skills and finding purpose

Emmanuel is an addicted lover of God and the convener of Rich Firebrands.

He works and lives in Port Harcourt.

I want to specially acknowledge my mentor and role model Mr. Olurotimi Maxwell.

Everything I know today was from the spark he provided to the young me. Thank you so much sir. God bless you richly.

Is it possible to really make money working from home?      Most people are not used to this new life we have now found ourselves.

This is most likely the longest break for so many persons.

There are rumours of a recession. Everyone is buying things out of panic.

People are not sure of the next salary.

The good news is, there are still places to make money from. And you can do that working from home.

I've been self isolating and working from home for three years now.

Last year, from January till December, I received a credit   alert from my internet businesses DAILY till date, it has not ended. I've received three today already.

And this is not rocket science, I've gotten most of them working from my mobile phone.

So the first good news is, you don't necessarily need a laptop to do this.

If you have a laptop, it's an added advantage still.

Most of the businesses are easy to start and run.

Very low capital is needed.

A proper understanding of the business and you are good to go.

To make money online or from your home, you need a skill.

It could be something you are already good at.

Everybody is good at something


What is easy for you is not easy for others..

What comes to you with ease, comes to others with please.  What you do effortlessly is not easy for other people at all. For example, I have a skill, copywriting.

I will talk about it today.

Yours could be teaching

Whatever it is, as far as it can be offered over the internet,there is money for you.

There is a big difference between talent and skill.

Skill is talent that went to Havard.

Skill is what you have to offer.

Now, when you have a skill, where do You make money with this skill?

The number one work from home opportunity is...


I started by freelancing on www.fiverr.com

There is also upwork.com


These are all freelancing sites.

There are hundreds of services and skills you can offer on these freelancing sites.

Freelancing will never die out. Till date, people are still looking for services

There is a need for content creators,

Digital marketers are in high demand,

Programmers too.

Freelancing is ever GREEN!


Copywriting should not be confused with “copyrighting.”

Copyright means an individual or company has the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute someone’s work (such as books, music, artistic items).

But that's not our own.

Our own is copyWRITING.

Copywriting is using written words to make someone buy anything, anywhere at any time you want them to.

It is the process of writing advertising materials.

A copywriter is a sales man in print.

What kind of qualifications do you need to be a copywriter?

Zero! There are successful copywriters with university     degrees and some who didn't finish secondary school. Some copywriters are only 18 and some are retired.

Copywriting is not a talent, it is a trainable and learnable skill

Where are copywriters found?

Copywriters write advert copies.

Copywriters write product descriptions, website content and lots more

One of the easiest ways to get writing jobs is on nairaland Nairaland.com is Africa's biggest forum

All you have to do is to go to the search tab and search "writers needed"

Also, when you become a copywriter, you can get jobs from freelancing sites like fiverr and upwork

You can also write advert copies for your friends and online businesses around you.

Every business needs advert and sales. A copywriter is the man who's in the best position to do this.

Number 3 business you can do at home is.


This is one thing I do alot. Teach people through whatsapp groups or telegram or even Google Hangout.

You don't need a hall

Whatsapp has 1.5 billion users

You can start with little or no capital

1. It is flexible

You can do a digital class by 9pm

You are not under compulsion to do it in the morning. Your time, Your pace.

2. It is a high income skill and there is no limit to those you can train.

I am in Port Harcourt and I am training people from all over Nigeria

To train people,You just need to;

1. Learn or know something

2. Have results.

3. Teach them and make money

You don't have to be the head, you just have to be one step ahead.

You don't even have to the best, you just have to be one step ahead of the rest.

You don't have to read all the book, you just have to be some chapters ahead.

One of my students is making a killing teaching  Dropshipping. She's not the best, she's just a step ahead.

Another of my students is making it by teaching Graphic design. He's not the best, he's one step ahead.

Another just did a class on the mobile 3D animation videos.. He's making a killing.

Even if it's maths, you can teach it over the internet.

Even Science.

Thank God most children have iPads and smart phones now. The average human being is lazy.

We are naturally created lazy.

We love our comfort.

So if you can go the extra mile to learn something and be good at it, people will pay to learn from you.

Last year I made over 5 million naira teaching copywriting. I did it through my whatsapp.

And all the classes were in group Chats 

There are 5 P's you need to know to become the best in training.

1. Problem

You must identify a problem and solve.

You must be solving a problem.

Health, wealth and relationships have been proven to be man's greatest needs especially online.

I am in the wealth category.

Problems can neverfinish.

Don't run away from problems please.

Find your unique problem and solve

But,Beforeyou solve a problem, make sureyou are not a problem yourself.

2. People.

People are the ones that have this problems.

And people have possession to money.

Money is not in the hand of monkeys, money is in the hand of people.

Money is not created, money is collected.

How do you collect money?

By solving peoples problems.

People don't buy trainings, they buysolutions.

3. Place

Your people are gathered in a place.

If you solve problems for students, you don't go finding them in a motor park.

You go to a school.

You can neverfind a shark in an aquarium.

If you sell the right product in the wrong place, you will fail in flying colours.

Your people are in a whatsapp groups,Or a facebook groups or a forum.

4. Price

People believe and fix prices in their head according to the problem being solved by the person solving it.

If people perceive you to be an expert, they will pay you more.

The deeper the problem you are solving, the more people will pay you.

That's why Doctors collect more.

The better you are the more money you will be paid.

Also, the more replaceable you are, the less people will pay you.

If people can find a cheap alternative for you, they will pay you less.

5. Promotion

People need to know about your training

Attention is the rule of the game.

The more the attention you get, the better the retention you will have.

The less the attention, the more your financial detention.

You can have the best training but if people don't know about you, no pay.

The world has no place for shy people

Where do you promote?

Everywhere on Facebook:

Your profile

Facebook status

Facebook groups

Facebook page






Next to digital trainings is;


I just want to take the two because they are related in a way. Digital training is one person to many people.

You to a group of people.

However, mentoring and consulting is one to one.

People meet me to mentor them on copywriting one on one.

I also consult for small business who want to make more sales online.

That's one to one.

Digital training is one to many.

Mentoring and consulting is one to one.

And people pay higher for mentorship programs.

The same laws that apply for digital trainings also work here. If people pay N5,000 for group classes.

When it comes to consulting, it could be N100,000 and more. That's the major difference.

But it can still be done through whatsapp.

Through zoom.

Through Google hangout.

Where do you get people?

Social media

Friends of friends.

On forums and groups.

The fifth business is;


I have 7 e-books in all

The good thing about e-book is..

You don't need money to publish it.

No start up cost.

You don't need delivery agents.

My delivery agent is whatsapp and it doesn't fail me. You don't need to be a pro e-book creator.

A 5 year old can create an ebook

And you don't need to write 200 pages

Almost all my e-books are below 50 pages

And I sell all of them for N1,500 each

I won't be able to go very very deep into all the ways I create e-book easily but the few people who will be interested in the mentorship group, I will teach them that.

The main app I use is the WPS office

With the WPS app, I can write an e-book in less than a day.

Mostly on topics I always talk about like finance and copywriting.

You don't have to be a tech guru to write an e-book.

You don't even need to be a tech guru to design.

I do all my designs on CANVA.

Since this book is introductory, I will dive deeper and hold those who will be interested in the mentorship better.

It's been an amazing three years doing this and I can't trade this life for anything.

The world is a global village and the internet is the village square

Thank you sweet Holy Spirit for insight.


Affiliate marketing is selling other people's services or products.

In fact affiliate marketing is the lazy man's way of making money on the internet.

What you just need to do here is to look for companies or people who have products you can actually sell and get to sell it for them at a profit.

For example... I have made over N100, 000 on piggyvest

Piggyvest is an app that helps you save and invest money easily.

The app has been around for over three years and it has been approved by CBN.

When people register through my affiliate link, I get to make 1000 naira,and the people receive 500 naira.

I use PiggyVest to save & invest securely. Sign up with my link and get ₦1,000.00 to start your own savings journey -

I use PiggyVest to save & invest securely. Sign up with my link and get ₦1,000.00 to start your own savings journey - https://www.piggyvest.com/?newref=1&ref=492871a2320920

Can you see that I'm already selling the app here.

That's the logic.

There are bigger affiliate sites that accept Nigerians.

Jvzoo.com is one,

Warriorplus.com is another,

In Nigeria, we have expertnaire.com,

We even have nairaffiliate.com

All these sites will enable you sell other people's products for a profit.

Personally too, I have people who sell my products for 50% profit.

So it doesn't have to be a very big website.

People need affiliates.

I've never met someone who rejected more sales.


There is a difference between online courses and online live trainings.

What I'm doing right now is a live training but if I want to turn this into a course then I will record videos.

I will host those videos on a platform and when people pay, I will give them access.



These are all great platforms to host your own course. It can also be in a facebook group.

Or even on YouTube. Make the videos private, when people pay, give them access.

You don't need a mighty camera to record courses.

You can use your smartphone to create short 4 minute videos in series of 10.


Social media is the new TV.

The apps are the channels.

The average person spends at least five hours on social media a day.

For most people these days, it's from facebook, to Instagram to Tik tok.

We just keep moving from one app to another.

What if you can actually make money managing social media accounts for businesses.

Most Businesses need help in this area. The CEOs are thinking about other things entirely like company    management, you can be their help.

Last month I managed two accounts.

Both of them paid N100,000 together monthly.

All I had to do was post four times a day.

Where do you find people who need this.

One great place is LinkedIn.

I will expose 4 more places for those who will take the mentorship program.

Just know that people are making massive money managing accounts for others.


Most of my quote designs are done by me.

Canva is an app that is free on the playstore.

Gone are days where you needed big systems and softwares for designs.

Now from your smartphone, you can make designs for people and earn smart money.

In the mentorship class, I will bring one of my students who charges over N5,000 for designs he does with his phone.

I am not worthy to teach this topic as I ought to. I am still scratching the surface. I am learning.

But I will bring someone who knows his onions in this area to train you.

Just know that there is so much in mobile graphic design.    Look around, you will see e-banners and flyers everywhere. People created it and they were paid for it.

Money is always moving, you must find a way to make it move to you.


I am sure you have seen it on this kind of videos on people's status and broadcasts.

I must also confess here that I cannot teach you 3D animations.

It's not my strength

But I have people who have made six to seven figures from it. I am very blunt about what I can do and what I can't do.

I will bring someone who will show you exactly how to make amazing videos like this and make good money from it.

Having said all this... What's the next step for you?

You can decide to:

1. Leave here motivated and do nothing about it or procrastinate about this businesses.

2. You can go and learn more about it yourself. That is good but you will take more time.

That's a long learning curve

You will make mistakes, try the wrong things and maybe succeed


3. You can decide to sign up for me and my successful students to mentor you.

This path is faster and safer

It's like going to Lagos with bus or plane.

You will reach there but the time and state of your strength will be different.

That's why in the month of June or whatever month you are reading this, I want to mentor few persons from here on  these home income businesses I've taught you.

We will go deeper on each one.

Myself and my students will literally hold you by the hand and show you all you need to know.

We will make it so simple that a primary 5 level child should be able to understand.

It's going to be a month program.

Everyone who registers will have access to all my 6 e-books worth N9,000

All access pass to my trainings worth N13,000

Full mentorship from me worth N50,000

Total value of N72,000!

If I ask you to give me N72,000 so that I can better position you to make millions, it won't be a bad deal.

But I understand the times we are in.

Everyone is careful not to spend now, People are guarding their money now.

But those who will make the sacrifice to learn now will have enough money to buy up the properties of others when all of this shall end

Instead of N72,000, I've slashed the mentorship to only N10,000!

This is an insane offer I know.

It's like telling you to give me N1,000 and take N1,000,000 from me.

It has never been about the money. I have enough money not to work for the entire year. I am doing this to better position you at the end of this crisis.

Now this is where it gets crazier, For people who will make payment because you've read this book, You will only get to pay N5,000!

Yes! I mean it.

       And here's my guarantee: If after this training you feel like I cheated you and you didn't get any value. I will refund all   your money back.

I will also write a hand written apology and send to you for wasting your time.

I am that sure it will blow your mind. 

One of the businesses I talked about is COPYWRITING.

But if you want to become a master in copywriting, I have a special program For You it is called Bachelor of Copywriting.

What's the Bachelor of copywriting all about?

This idea actually came after I realised the wonders

copywriting has done in my life.

2016 I discovered copywriting and put my head into it.

From September 2019, I don't think I've done below a million monthly.

All thanks to copywriting.

The number 1 skill that has created more “online millionaires”than any other is copywriting.

Most people are PASSIVE copywriters

They write ads, write sales letters, write product descriptions, send emails, sell to their friends..


You can play monkey post and be better than Messi but you will NEVER win the world best there.

Same way, until you CONSCIOUSLY and ACTIVELY learn copywriting, you will be selling like an amateur.

There are systems..

There are formulas..

This past weekend, I did close to N250k in sales from a class. I used a working System.

So in the Bachelor of copywriting course, you will learn the exact system I use in making millions online monthly.

•You will get materials worth N370,000

•The top 10 students will gain automatic employment to work with me.

•You will get a certificate at the end of the course.

•Access to my library worth N800k+

•Access to all my e-books.

My e-books:

1. Copywriting 101

2. Why You Are Broke

3. Whatsapp Income Mastery

4. E-book Creation Mastery

5. Premium Articles of 2019

6. Organic Traffic Generation

Everything for you!!!

There will four faculties.

Faculty of Offer

Faculty of Writing

Faculty of Ads

Faculty of Applied Copywriting

It will be so corrosive you will call your VC and ask for your money back for the time you spent in the University.

This course as you know is pegged at N20,000

If I charge N50,000 it will still be a steal for you.

Will you exchange N50,000 for millions monthly?

Who wouldn't?

But because you have read this book up till this point and you are interested in investing in yourself now, I have     further crashed the fee to just N5,000.

Is there a guarantee?

I’ve been doing this 4 years now. I’ve coached over 10,000  people in over 6 countries. I don’ttell you this to brag. I say this because, frankly, my reputation is on the line.

If I don't deliver the results I promised, my reputation would go down the trash.

I want to be known and respected.

So, if you follow the instructions and principles I teach and you don't make 10X your money back, meet me for a refund after the class.

I will give you back all your money and add a written apology.

Only fast action takers will collect my library.

I don't want people who will be thinking if I should pay or not.

You are either IN or OUT.

It's either HELL YES or HELL NO.

If you are in the middle, you are in HELL.

So, in the name of God the author and giver of this great idea, I declare payments open for the Mentorship program and Other Books!!

Pay into:


Acct No: 2006416023

Bank Name: Kuda Microfinance Bank 



Account Number: 7810096652

Bank: Wema Bank

Fee again is N5,000.

After Payment Send your name and receipt of payment to the WhatsApp Link below;



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