why my admob account got suspended.

why my admob account got suspended.

Are you questioning yourself, “why is my AdMob account suspended?” There are three reasons because of which a Google AdMob account could be suspended.

Understanding AdMob’s policies, account warnings, and suspensions are extremely important while operating Google AdMob.

joseph tech is here to offer you an overview of the common reasons of which AdMob accounts are usually suspended.

1. Invalid Traffic / Invalid Activity
                                                                                                Invalid traffics are artificial clicks and impressions that cost the advertiser. This is an unethical way of earning for the publisher through fraudulent or accidental methods.

Invalid traffic is mainly a technical term for generating clicks and impressions by any form of nonhuman traffic or fraud.

Google AdMob detects Invalid Traffic to ensure a clean and honest commercial approach. The aim is to protect advertiser ad spend as well as ascertain that every impression is effective.

There are multiple ways of generating invalid traffic, the most common among them are as follows:

👌Bots or click farms
👌Publishers promoting clicks
👌Automated clicking tools
👌Repeated clicks by the same users
👌Publishers clicking on their own ads
👌Unauthorized traffic generation from third-party
👌Ad implementations that may cause accidental clicks
                                                                                               If an AdMob account is suspended due to invalid activity, it is usually because of the above-defined reasons. During the suspension period, you as a publisher cannot serve ads for up to 30 days.

Also, AdMob account suspensions are non-appealable, this means once you have made measures to eradicate invalid traffic, you may have to wait until the suspension period is completed.

Nonetheless, you may also fill up a suspended publisher feedback form, in case you would like to prompt Google.

2. Policy Violation
                                                                                                The second reason your Google AdMob account is suspended is possible because you are not in compliance with the Program policies put forth by Google AdMob.

You will receive an email as well as a notification on your account stating that your ads are restricted or the account is suspended due to policy violations.

Google gives you a chance to make amends to your app and adhere to the compliances. At times only a warning is given about the policy violations or before ads are restricted and only then action is taken on the ad serving.

The major causes of policy violations are as follows:

👌Sexual, Adult, or Explicit Content
👌Derogatory Content
👌Content That Prompts Clicks
👌Gambling Content
👌Overlapping Buttons or Content with Ads
👌Rewarded Ads
👌Disallowed ad implementation

3. Duplicate Account
                                                                                                 Publishers are not allowed to have duplicate AdMob accounts. However, there are several scenarios under which you as an app publisher would want a second account.

Let’s look at some of these scenarios:

If you have two working accounts both will be suspended. You will be asked to close one AdMob account and appeal from the other one. After scrutiny, your account will be reinitiated.
                                                                                               If your AdMob account was suspended, you should not create a new one. Rather find out the source, why the account was suspended i.e., either due to invalid traffic or policy violation.Once you identify it, take measures to correct it. Google will automatically resume your account if the corrections are rightly made after the completion of the suspended period.
                                                                                               If your AdMob account was disabled for any purpose, you will not be allowed to create a new one. You will have to appeal and rectify your old account, in case you still proceed to create a new one, that will be disabled as well.


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