What is Admob, How it Work and How to get Started
WHAT'S GOOGLE ADMOB? Admob is a platform incorporated by Google LLC it was established 13 years ago BRIEF HISTORY OF ADMOB AdMob is a mobile advertising company founded and incorporated by Omar Hamoui on April 10, 2006, when he was still in school. The company has its headquarters in Mountain View California. It was acquired by Google for $750 million in November 2009. AdMob is currently being managed and run by Google Inc and it is now used together with Adsense. SUMMARY ABOUT ADMOB Admob is an advertising company that enables app owners and app developers to make money By using their App. You all must have heard a thing or two about AdSense. Most rich bloggers and YouTubers nowadays make money using Google AdSense. REGISTRATION PROCEDURE OF ADMOB Step by Step on how to create your Google Admob account Do all the things listed below to get ur account approved within d next 24hrs. Step 1. Go to https://www.google.com/admob Step 2. Sign up with a valid Gmai...